The Worst Proposal Ever...

Jada from Arizona here...

I could certainly try to find a more catchy title, but really - read on and you’ll find out what I mean...

So this guy and I had been dating on and off for about a year (we'll call him Mark, shall we?) I was more into him than he was to me for most of the time - he admitted that it was because I was too heavy. Mind you, I'm really not that big of a girl, but he wanted someone size 8 or lower (I'm serious - he once described size 10 as being "a little heavy".) Because he just wasn't attracted enough to me, we went to "being friends". I worked to move on. It sucked, but I did. Part of that was stress, and I lost weight. At which point "Mark" decided he was attracted to me.

So one night we were hanging out (six or eight weeks into "moving on and being friends") and had just been to a play downtown. We got home late and I was still wide awake, so as I lay on his couch, I called a friend of mine to see if she wanted to go to a late night movie. Mark was sitting on the couch next to me, and as I explained to Amy what I wanted to do, he threw a small jewelry box at me. I told Amy I would call her back and hung up.

"What's this?" I asked Mark as I held up the box.

"Just open it."

I opened it.

"Um, this is a ring."


"Who is it for?"

[Clue - this is a bad sign.]

"It's for you."

It turns out that when I lost weight, he looked at me one day and realized he was attracted to me. He started ring shopping a few minutes later.

Then he threw the ring at me.

I turned him down. I mean, I thought about it overnight, and come to think of it, I didn't actually turn him down. I told him I didn't believe that he really liked me and I needed to believe it. I meant it as a challenge for him to step up to. He took it as a no. I was fine with that.

Among other things, what - did he think I wouldn't gain weight when I had children? Did he think I sat around for two months pining? I don't pine. Oh, and he threw the ring on me. While I was on the phone. *facepalm*

Worst. Proposal. Ever!